Tuesday, June 10, 2008

7 Amazing Months


I can't believe we've made it through 7 amazing months already! My little baby is becoming such a boy. He's so goofy and laughs all the time. He makes the best faces whenever we pull out the camera. This photo was taken during his very first camping adventure. We had spent the day at the water park so he was in dire need of a bath. I guess he likes his privacy! :)


Our days are filled with playing catch, throwing toys, lots of nursing, eating all kinds of food, sleeping here and there and of course snuggles.


I'm so glad that my little boy likes to cuddle with me. He is a TV junkie at times and gets lost when his favorite show comes on, which is "Super Why." He's getting more and more used to the car and going out. Yet he still loves being home more than anything else. We gets lots of visits from friends and family which helps my own cabin fever.


He's still my little boy and I love him so much more than I ever thought possible. He's the light of my life and I thank God for him every day. I pray that my time with him is spent wisely and that we cherish each moment that we have together. He's my little boy.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Here we go!

I hope this will be the first of many posts. I wanted to create this blog in order to record memories, every day happenings as well as challenges in our daily lives. I want a place where Sterling can look back in 10 years and laugh at the funny thing he did as a baby and toddler. This will also help me record some of his "firsts" that I often forget to enter into his baby book.God has blessed Jeff and I with an amazing son. Now we get to share why we feel that way.