Monday, May 25, 2009

"Mama? Dada?"

Sterling's little voice calls from the back seat of the car, "mama?"
"Yes baby, I'm here." I tell him.
"Dada?" he asks.
"Dada's _______" (here, at work, at church, in his car..."

These are things I want to remember forever. He is always asking where we are when he can't see us. Sometimes even when we're right there in front of him. He just wants to know that we're there, listening to him and acknowledging him every time. Our little boy may say this 250 times a day but I love it every time.

Memorial Day Weekend part 2

Sunday started out just like every other Sunday. Jeff went to church early to set up the video equipment and ran it during both services. Sterling and I got ready and made it in time for second service. This week though I decided it was the perfect week to start Sterling over in the Toddler House for the first time. Now that he's 18 months he is more than ready to graduate from the Infant House at church. It wasn't long before he started asking for "mama" in between sobs which just couldn't be comforted. I ended up staying with him the rest of the time which was fine by me. I'm in no rush to have my baby boy grow up.
Sterling and I came home after church so he could have a nap while Jeff did more video stuff. Our day finished up with a run to Costco and Trader Joe's for some groceries we've had on our list all week. Jeff made a wonderful dinner for us all and it was amazing. Smoked salmon ravioli for us and a hotdog for Sterling. It was the first one he's ever actually eaten!

Memorial Day Weekend part 1

This weekend has already been so much fun and so relaxing at the same time. Jeff ended his job with Advaiya on Friday. A huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders and I'm seeing a change in my husband that I've been waiting for. He's excited about the next step and I am too. It's such a wonderful way to start a long weekend and an easy week ahead.
Saturday started with Sterling and I watching cartoons and eating breakfast while Jeff slept in for the first time in a few months. At 9am I sent Sterling in to wake his "dada." We enjoyed a couple cups of coffee, did some puzzles, watched a couple of shows, played with some toys, nursed and just enjoyed a lazy morning. After Sterling took a nap at noon we decided to head out to Seattle. Gasworks Park was our first destination. Sterling loved throwing rocks in the water and waving to people in the boats. We picked flowers and he rode on Jeff's shoulders just like every child should. We then went out to Ballard and visited the fish locks. Sterling was more interested in carrying around a slurpy cup and straw then looking at fish or seeing the boats. We walked around the gardens and had him attempt to climb some of the hills after awhile. It was such a beautiful sunny day!


Guilt has flooded over me for the past few months and yet it didn't effect me enough to change what I do. I regret not keeping up with this blog and tracking Sterling's first, seconds and new adventures. We've been through so much and have had so many special times. Yet I have no record of that. So I'm determined to change. Starting now. My little baby is becoming a boy, now 18 months old. I will catch up and have something to look back on years from now.