Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend part 2

Sunday started out just like every other Sunday. Jeff went to church early to set up the video equipment and ran it during both services. Sterling and I got ready and made it in time for second service. This week though I decided it was the perfect week to start Sterling over in the Toddler House for the first time. Now that he's 18 months he is more than ready to graduate from the Infant House at church. It wasn't long before he started asking for "mama" in between sobs which just couldn't be comforted. I ended up staying with him the rest of the time which was fine by me. I'm in no rush to have my baby boy grow up.
Sterling and I came home after church so he could have a nap while Jeff did more video stuff. Our day finished up with a run to Costco and Trader Joe's for some groceries we've had on our list all week. Jeff made a wonderful dinner for us all and it was amazing. Smoked salmon ravioli for us and a hotdog for Sterling. It was the first one he's ever actually eaten!

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